Mindful Living
Digital Expansion
Entertaining at Home & Outdoor Living
Products for the Next Generation
Mindful Living
The practice of mindfulness is marked by openness and curiosity toward your experience. Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention in the moment in a particular way. By creating space between emotions, thoughts and yourself you begin to empower yourself to choose your reactions. The journey to live more mindfully can be very difficult, and kindness towards yourself is always necessary.
14% of Americans have meditated at least once.
71% of consumers say they’ll keep cooking at home
A Google search conducted in January 2022 for the term “mindfulness” resulted in almost 3 billion hits.
From 1966 to 2021, 16,581 publications on mindfulness were identified. There has been an exponential growth of publications since 2006. Almost half (47%) of the publications were in psychology and about one-fifth (20.8%) in psychiatry.

Good businesses meet customers wherever they are, and these days that’s online. Today, more commerce takes place via an array of digital channels, giving customers friction less ways to connect, pay, and, most of all, follow-up. While the means that customers choose may vary by audience and industry, the commonality is that those choices are more diverse than ever before and continue to evolve. This online also shifts into personal entertainment and products that make digital functions more convenient
70% of organizations have a digital transformation strategy or are working on one Blockchain solutions is expected to grow from $4.5bn in 2020 to $19bn by 2024. Revenue in the Consumer Electronics segment is projected to reach US$716.30bn in 2022 Mobile Phone Accessories Market to Garner $157.3 Billion by 2030 The average person owns around three mobile phone chargers, of which they use two regularly.

A wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in life. It is a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. In the world of commerce this is seeing trends reappear with an evolution that matches the generational changes and overall development. Or simply going back to the basics.
The thing about fashion trends is that they are cyclic. Every 20 years, more or less, old fashion trends resurface more popularly named “The 20-Year Rule.” Nine out of 10 people admit to thinking fondly about the past at least occasionally, with 47% saying they do so almost always or quite often. 55% would choose to return to the past if it were possible to time travel, while only 28% would go to the future. 68% of consumers are willing to spend more for a product that emotionally or personally appeals to them.

Dinner parties, game nights, stay cations, painting parties, movie nights, home decor and book clubs have all been around in one capacity or another for decades or in some cases centuries. The craving to have the best spread, treats and accessories is innate.
In a recent survey of US adults 69% plan to participate in one or more outdoor sports or recreational activities before the end of the year. Globally, a quarter (25%) of people entertain guests in their homes either daily or weekly, and an additional one-third (34%) entertain monthly. 90% of Americans with outdoor living spaces have been taking greater advantage of them. Wall Prints, Clocks, Table Lamps, Pillows & Candles make up the Top 5 Decor items for 2021.

Equality, Mental Health, Education, Environment, Cause Marketing are all top categories that drive decision making from Gen Z. These individuals make up the largest generation in American history and are known as the first social generation.
69% of Millennials and Gen-Zers think it is essential to participate in activities in open and outdoor spaces to maintain mental & physical health. A study by Deloitte found that 79% of millennials already expect brands to service customers through multiple digital channels. Gen Z spends 4.5 hours per day on social media – 12% more than Millennials. 81% of Gen-Z’s buy from brands that support the causes they believe in.

What are you seeing on trend this year?